Saturday, October 25, 2008

God is Great

I learnt a great lesson today. I learnt that it doesn't mean if u r not studying Arabic and the Al-Quran or the Sunnah of Prophet muhammad enough..means u r not learning Islam.Islam is everything. Islam is Mathematic, Science,Geography and World History. God created this earth for human beings so that we can ponder and look and understand His creation. Also we should learn the Al-Quran so that we know our history and the history of mankind so that we may learn from them.

On a different note

God has chosen the prophet Muhammad as an example to all of us so that we may have a role model to follow. He was a great person. He was said to be the most kindest person in Mekah at the time. BUt sadly even though he tried to preach to the ppl of Mekah about the Oneness of Allah, most would just ignore or even said that he was crazy and that theyd rather him leave them alone to worship their idols. He was threatened many times by the Musyrikin Mekah and his followers were beatened and tortured very badly. In the end only 3% of the people of Mekah converted to Islam. They were amongst the pious like Saidina Abu Bakar and Saidina Umar Al-Khatab.

Later , the prophet received a revelation by God to make a hijrah to Yathrib, a town further away from Mekah. His followers left first before him to Yathrib. On the day that he was about to leave Mekah tgether withh Saidina Abu Bakar, the Musyrikin Mekah had planed to to attack him that night while he was sleeping. But by the grace of God..they were defeeated and Muhammad together with Saidina Abu Bakar got a chance to flee.

On the way to Yathrib. The prophet and Saidina Abu Bakar faced many chalenges as well. Like the story when he was about to be cought hiding in the cave. They're hiding place was almost founded by the Quraish but in the end they were saved by a spider who built a web to close the entrence to the cave. The Quraish then thought that there would be no one there in the cave so they left.

BY the time they arrived in Yathrib(The city of Light).......(to be continued)

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