'A society that believes in nothing will label those who believe in something as fundamentalist or fanatics. But at least they get their ideas across and do something whereas those who believe in nothing will have fear and doubt andspeculations against ppl who DO believe in something. And that fear makes them want to take stupid actions. The world is yet again at war but the winners will be with those who carry and speak the TRUTH in the end. Amen.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
God is Great
I learnt a great lesson today. I learnt that it doesn't mean if u r not studying Arabic and the Al-Quran or the Sunnah of Prophet muhammad enough..means u r not learning Islam.Islam is everything. Islam is Mathematic, Science,Geography and World History. God created this earth for human beings so that we can ponder and look and understand His creation. Also we should learn the Al-Quran so that we know our history and the history of mankind so that we may learn from them.
On a different note
God has chosen the prophet Muhammad as an example to all of us so that we may have a role model to follow. He was a great person. He was said to be the most kindest person in Mekah at the time. BUt sadly even though he tried to preach to the ppl of Mekah about the Oneness of Allah, most would just ignore or even said that he was crazy and that theyd rather him leave them alone to worship their idols. He was threatened many times by the Musyrikin Mekah and his followers were beatened and tortured very badly. In the end only 3% of the people of Mekah converted to Islam. They were amongst the pious like Saidina Abu Bakar and Saidina Umar Al-Khatab.
Later , the prophet received a revelation by God to make a hijrah to Yathrib, a town further away from Mekah. His followers left first before him to Yathrib. On the day that he was about to leave Mekah tgether withh Saidina Abu Bakar, the Musyrikin Mekah had planed to to attack him that night while he was sleeping. But by the grace of God..they were defeeated and Muhammad together with Saidina Abu Bakar got a chance to flee.
On the way to Yathrib. The prophet and Saidina Abu Bakar faced many chalenges as well. Like the story when he was about to be cought hiding in the cave. They're hiding place was almost founded by the Quraish but in the end they were saved by a spider who built a web to close the entrence to the cave. The Quraish then thought that there would be no one there in the cave so they left.
BY the time they arrived in Yathrib(The city of Light).......(to be continued)
On a different note
God has chosen the prophet Muhammad as an example to all of us so that we may have a role model to follow. He was a great person. He was said to be the most kindest person in Mekah at the time. BUt sadly even though he tried to preach to the ppl of Mekah about the Oneness of Allah, most would just ignore or even said that he was crazy and that theyd rather him leave them alone to worship their idols. He was threatened many times by the Musyrikin Mekah and his followers were beatened and tortured very badly. In the end only 3% of the people of Mekah converted to Islam. They were amongst the pious like Saidina Abu Bakar and Saidina Umar Al-Khatab.
Later , the prophet received a revelation by God to make a hijrah to Yathrib, a town further away from Mekah. His followers left first before him to Yathrib. On the day that he was about to leave Mekah tgether withh Saidina Abu Bakar, the Musyrikin Mekah had planed to to attack him that night while he was sleeping. But by the grace of God..they were defeeated and Muhammad together with Saidina Abu Bakar got a chance to flee.
On the way to Yathrib. The prophet and Saidina Abu Bakar faced many chalenges as well. Like the story when he was about to be cought hiding in the cave. They're hiding place was almost founded by the Quraish but in the end they were saved by a spider who built a web to close the entrence to the cave. The Quraish then thought that there would be no one there in the cave so they left.
BY the time they arrived in Yathrib(The city of Light).......(to be continued)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Towards a better understanding
I'm sure all of us would have dreamt that all beautiful world where there would be No War, No Crimes, No Racism. But do you think that one day we all can finally reach it?
Maybe. If we all start learning from one another. Respecting one another. Be friends with everyone you meet instead of giving hate faces just because you had a rough day. To me nothing is impossible in this world.
All we have to do is just smile a little more even though you are pissed off and angry. Have patience even though that person is drivng you nuts. How do we espect people around us to change if we don't make that change within ourselves. So think about that. We ARE how people SEE us.
Tun Dr Mahathir wrote in his blog Che-det.
1. Non-Malays and maybe quite a few Malays have strongly criticised my piece on the Bar Council. I am made out to be against free speech, human rights etc.The Holy Qur'an mentions
2. What I was talking was about sensitivity - about the need for people to be sensitive to the feelings of other people. It was not about Islam or its teachings or its history per se. It is about the Malays and the non-Malays in this multiracial, multi religious country and their sensitivities.
3. You may not notice it but I also mentioned the sensitivities of other races in Malaysia.
“ O people, We have created you as males and females, and have made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another, “(Al-Hujurat: 13).
Hamza Yusuf says:
"There is so much ignorence out there!"He was talking to a hall full of American Muslims at the 2007 ISNA convention, but I think we can apply it to the current situation in Malaysia. I mean, the current status of our government is pretty bad. We need a new opinion. One who has studied Islam thoroughly and understood it. One who is pro-peace. One who when given power does not back-stab his Deputy Prime Minister at the back;hmm ...thinks of who she is talking about'; One who can handle responsibilities regarding the racial,religious issues we have here in our country. We could use some of his advices. He talks about reinforcing Islamic laws in America."Go Hamza!". Sorry if I am being too overly promoting him. But some of the things he says actually is relevant to todays issues. No i do not have a crush on him ok. Although he is quite the catch.=)
"It's our responsibility to educate them"
If you don't know Syaikh Hamza Yusuf. Well get to know this brilliant man and hear what he has to say.
When the Moon splits
The Moon. At the time Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago, other smaller planetary bodies were also growing. One of these hit earth late in Earth's growth process, blowing out rocky debris then so on son and so forth.....

Do you think that the Moon would look just the same in the night sky 4.5 billion years ago?
The answer to that is actually NO. During the time the earth was still new and evolving, the Moon was so close Earth, and you would think that it was the oddest thing in the sky. Unfortunately no human being was ever heard to have seen what it looked like at the time. To bad...it would have been a pretty sight.
Theologians have found that many of the past pagan-worshippers such as the Egyptians were known to worship the Sun. Do you think if the Moon was so big in the sky they would probably be worshiping the Moon instead?
I mean think about it. Where would human beings be without proper guidance from it's Creator. We would probably be caught worship everything else instead of worshiping the one True God that created it all. How lucky we are to be alive at such a time whereby the religion which teaches it all is finished and is compiled nicely. Only left for us to read and reflect on it.
For those who is as lucky as me. Let's all be thankful to God that we are alive today not to be a strayed.
Alhamdulillah. Syukur ke hadrat Illahi.....
Don't forget to check out the solar eclipse that occurring on the 17Th of August!!
Full article: http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/partial-lunar-eclipse-2008.html
Eclipse Timing

The first penumbral contact (beginning of a partial eclipse) starts at about 18:24* Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The partial eclipse begins at 19:36 (UTC) and the maximum eclipse occurs when the umbral immersion reaches about 0.813 magnitude at about 21:10 (UTC). The partial eclipse ends at 22:44 (UTC), and the penumbral eclipse ends at 23:55.
The next eclipse will be an annular solar eclipse on January 26, 2009, followed by a penumbral lunar eclipse on February 9, 2009.
UTC Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 18:25:00
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 2:25:00 AM UTC+8 hours
Do you think that the Moon would look just the same in the night sky 4.5 billion years ago?
The answer to that is actually NO. During the time the earth was still new and evolving, the Moon was so close Earth, and you would think that it was the oddest thing in the sky. Unfortunately no human being was ever heard to have seen what it looked like at the time. To bad...it would have been a pretty sight.
Theologians have found that many of the past pagan-worshippers such as the Egyptians were known to worship the Sun. Do you think if the Moon was so big in the sky they would probably be worshiping the Moon instead?
I mean think about it. Where would human beings be without proper guidance from it's Creator. We would probably be caught worship everything else instead of worshiping the one True God that created it all. How lucky we are to be alive at such a time whereby the religion which teaches it all is finished and is compiled nicely. Only left for us to read and reflect on it.
For those who is as lucky as me. Let's all be thankful to God that we are alive today not to be a strayed.
Alhamdulillah. Syukur ke hadrat Illahi.....
Don't forget to check out the solar eclipse that occurring on the 17Th of August!!
Full article: http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/partial-lunar-eclipse-2008.html
Eclipse Timing
The first penumbral contact (beginning of a partial eclipse) starts at about 18:24* Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The partial eclipse begins at 19:36 (UTC) and the maximum eclipse occurs when the umbral immersion reaches about 0.813 magnitude at about 21:10 (UTC). The partial eclipse ends at 22:44 (UTC), and the penumbral eclipse ends at 23:55.
The next eclipse will be an annular solar eclipse on January 26, 2009, followed by a penumbral lunar eclipse on February 9, 2009.
UTC Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 18:25:00
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 2:25:00 AM UTC+8 hours
On the occasion of a solar eclipse the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would perform extremely lengthy rakaats and inhale deep breaths whilst sobbing, "Oh Allah did you not vow not to punish them whilst I was amongst them and whilst they begged for forgiveness? "Oh Allah we beseech you for forgiveness!"
( Shamaa'il)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Keeping intouch with Mother nature
Do you sometimes feel like life is so suffocating? Like sometimes you can't breath and you just want to escape? No?.. well i do.
You know we often don't realise that almost 99% of our daily lives are spent indoors. We rarely go outdoors anymore except to drive out to a friends or families house. 30% of the day is probably spent in front of the computer. another 10% in front of the TV. The other 60% is spending time with people. People People. People. We forget, what about spending time with mother nature? Have we ever thought about that?

A while ago I and a group of Medical students from overseas went to a small village on a hill far off on the mountain tops of Perak. There we spent 4 days with the locals who were actually the original natives of our beautiful country Malaysia. The 'Orang Asli'. 'Orang Asli' literally means= The Native people. These native people are neither under a particular race or religion. They are segregated everywhere in Malaysia and you can often find them living in the Jungles.
Well, like i said we were fortunate enough to come and spend time with them.We learnt how to speak some of their language. Learnt how to make rooftops made out of
tree leaves and also learnt how to cook tasty rice using a bamboo tree bark. Literally!

What fun we all had...just hanging out with the nature and the natives there. Another thing we discovered was that the children like playing outdoors. The neighbours are not strangers to one another. They don't have walls separating from one house to another. The men would go out and work to provide for the family, the women , after doing a days work would go to the nearby school 'shady tree stop' to pick up their younglings after school ends. No cars. No buses. No traffic.
To me even though their way of life may not be as extravagant as ours, at least their life is full.
What i learnt is no matter how smart you think you are you still don't know how to cook rice with a bamboo tree unless you spend time with the locals. No matter how big your house is, you still can't beat the fact that they are closer to their neighbours than you are. Your life may be better than theirs, you may have everything in life that you can possibly want like, money, cars, a good education, a girlfriend, whatever...but all in all those things can't bring you true happiness and tranquility.
The experience I've gotten from them is one that i will never ever forget. One I will surely cherish forever. I learnt to be not so dependent on material things. Learnt to be closer to my family even though sometime we may have problems. Learnt to share and most importantly, learnt to be GRATEFUL.
Hearing it from me wouldn't be the same as actually being there and spending time with them yourself. You have to work for the experience. I urge that more and more people would spend time with nature..Not for luxury but to learn something form it. Secondly try to do more welfare work. You'll be surprised how much you will change after seeing the joy in their eyes when you come and visit them. Give more take less. Charity is one of our obligations. According to a book I read. The person who loves to give is a brave person, because he or she is not afraid of poverty or not having enough money.
Hopefully we all can change and become better human beings.
"This is the Book(The Qur'an) where of there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun[pious and righteous who fear Allah much and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which he has forbidden] and love Allah much and perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained.
Who believe in the ghaib(unsean), perform As-Salat, and spend out of what we have provided for them [give zakat, spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, and also do charity to the poor and also in Allah's cause- Jihad]......................They are on (true) guidence from their Lord, and they are the successful."
[Tafsir Al-Quran, chapter Al-Baqarah, verse 2-5]
You know we often don't realise that almost 99% of our daily lives are spent indoors. We rarely go outdoors anymore except to drive out to a friends or families house. 30% of the day is probably spent in front of the computer. another 10% in front of the TV. The other 60% is spending time with people. People People. People. We forget, what about spending time with mother nature? Have we ever thought about that?

A while ago I and a group of Medical students from overseas went to a small village on a hill far off on the mountain tops of Perak. There we spent 4 days with the locals who were actually the original natives of our beautiful country Malaysia. The 'Orang Asli'. 'Orang Asli' literally means= The Native people. These native people are neither under a particular race or religion. They are segregated everywhere in Malaysia and you can often find them living in the Jungles.
Well, like i said we were fortunate enough to come and spend time with them.We learnt how to speak some of their language. Learnt how to make rooftops made out of
tree leaves and also learnt how to cook tasty rice using a bamboo tree bark. Literally!

What fun we all had...just hanging out with the nature and the natives there. Another thing we discovered was that the children like playing outdoors. The neighbours are not strangers to one another. They don't have walls separating from one house to another. The men would go out and work to provide for the family, the women , after doing a days work would go to the nearby school 'shady tree stop' to pick up their younglings after school ends. No cars. No buses. No traffic.
To me even though their way of life may not be as extravagant as ours, at least their life is full.
What i learnt is no matter how smart you think you are you still don't know how to cook rice with a bamboo tree unless you spend time with the locals. No matter how big your house is, you still can't beat the fact that they are closer to their neighbours than you are. Your life may be better than theirs, you may have everything in life that you can possibly want like, money, cars, a good education, a girlfriend, whatever...but all in all those things can't bring you true happiness and tranquility.
The experience I've gotten from them is one that i will never ever forget. One I will surely cherish forever. I learnt to be not so dependent on material things. Learnt to be closer to my family even though sometime we may have problems. Learnt to share and most importantly, learnt to be GRATEFUL.
Hearing it from me wouldn't be the same as actually being there and spending time with them yourself. You have to work for the experience. I urge that more and more people would spend time with nature..Not for luxury but to learn something form it. Secondly try to do more welfare work. You'll be surprised how much you will change after seeing the joy in their eyes when you come and visit them. Give more take less. Charity is one of our obligations. According to a book I read. The person who loves to give is a brave person, because he or she is not afraid of poverty or not having enough money.
Hopefully we all can change and become better human beings.
"This is the Book(The Qur'an) where of there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun[pious and righteous who fear Allah much and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which he has forbidden] and love Allah much and perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained.
Who believe in the ghaib(unsean), perform As-Salat, and spend out of what we have provided for them [give zakat, spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, and also do charity to the poor and also in Allah's cause- Jihad]......................They are on (true) guidence from their Lord, and they are the successful."
[Tafsir Al-Quran, chapter Al-Baqarah, verse 2-5]
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